We just got our first shipment of the NEW Blood Energy Drink in and of course we all had to try it. First thing commented on was that it comes in a nifty 3.4 oz reusable IV Bag. Pretty cool! The Taste?? It's good! The consistency is a little thick and tastes a lot like Hawaiian Punch concentrate. On the package there are directions on how to microwave for 14 seconds to heat it up to 98.6 degree body temperature. After following the directions it made it kind of a wierd warm. Similar I guess to licking a freshwound, but sweeter. Badger said it amped him up Vampire-style but unless he kicked Edward Cullen's butt he wouldn't know.
From the website: "Synthetic blood substitute. The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein, and electrolytes. Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency. Get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste! Re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch. Contains no real blood, just synthetic!"